How Not to Read the Bible

You already know how vital it is to spend time with God daily. But how do you get started? In this course you will discover the basis and content of the devotional life by learning how to read and meditate upon God’s Word. Walk away from this class celebrating the blessings of carving out time each day to spend with God.

Following Jesus

Jesus built the Church by calling and forming disciples. This class is an overview of practical ways of growing as a follower of Jesus and serves as a wonderful introduction for those interested in our more in-depth discipleship huddles.

Joining Jesus on His Mission

As Christians, we know we are called to love our neighbor. We may even grasp that “neighbor” encompasses more than just the people living next door or down the street. But what we too often don’t know is how to begin. This course will answer the questions: How do we love our neighbor? Where do we start? What does this look like in our increasingly isolated world? Wherever we go, Jesus goes with us. He even goes ahead of us and prepares the way. We do not go on mission for Jesus, but rather we 

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